Master Certificate in Human-Centred Learning
Transforming the ways human learn, work, grow, and play
Program Description
Education is an integral part of everyday interactions for Learning & Development at Workplace (L&D) professionals who work with customers, students, colleagues, or clients directly and indirectly. For L&D professionals, applying effective and efficient education methods can advance not only the immediate practice of learners but also longer-term student experience and outcome.
For L&D professionals in various industries, having both the industry knowledge and pedagogical proficiency improves knowledge transfer and translation that may directly impact organizational learning outcomes.
The Certificate in Human-Centred Learning provides the foundational concepts and application of Learner-Centered Learning (Heutagogy) in L&D and is suitable for professionals who want to enhance their skills in designing, facilitating, and evaluating learning and learner experiences. Each course addresses the fundamentals of teaching and learning competencies as defined by the Institute for Performance and Learning (I4PL). This series presents a balance of theory, practice and application to create an interactive learning space for the participants.
Foundation of Adult Learning & Workplace Education
Course 1 (ALW110)
Pre-requisite Course
This course is a foundation for all modules of the program as it provides both practical and theoretical orientation to heutagogical approaches to adult learning and workplace education in the 21-century workplace. You will have an overview of Pedagogy-Andragogy-Heutagogy spectrum and related best practices for designing and delivering workplace learning that support knowledge construction and retention, and learning translation and transfer on the job whether you are working with students, colleagues, customers, and clients ranging from one-to-one engagement to whole-organization strategy. It is strongly recommended that you bring your own project that you want to build throughout the program.
Adult Learning Principles and Practices
Course 2 (ALW100)
This course is designed based on heutagogical practices for adult learning. It provides both practical and theoretical orientation to traditional and modern approaches to adult learning concepts and practices as they apply to workplace education. You will have an overview of learning styles, learner agency, relational learning as well as related best practices to support workplace learning. The concepts and practices in this course will include transfer of knowledge to on the job application, whether you are working with students, colleagues, customers, and clients ranging from one-to-one engagement to larger whole-organization strategy. After the foundation course, it is encouraged that you continue to use the program you have begun working with.
How do we create a learning environment at work where learners can participate and contribute fully to their own learning? How much “say” do learners have?
You will gain insights and tools to support and design intentional learning experiences for learners in modern workplaces that optimize learning integration and knowledge transfer.
Often dubbed as a transformative learning, coaching and mentoring have provided meaningful exchanges for learner’s growth in both formal and non-formal settings of workplace education.
You will learn useful coaching and mentoring tools that can be applied immediately to deepen relational practices of the learner-determined growth.
How do we engage groups in workplace learning in healthy and useful ways? Whether it is assessing needs, co-designing content and experience, or evaluating performance, well-engaged groups can offer rich experience and insights.
In this module, you will learn practical theories and strategies to engage groups in learning design and facilitation.
When it comes to Learning, one of the most important things is building a community. We learn from others and their stories, lessons and sharing. This module is designed to help learners determine the importance of building a community of learners, within learning and what that will do to create the most impactful experiences.
As our learning environments shift, so do our practices. What is the difference between learning in a classroom and online? This module answers that question and shares tips and tools to foster learning and engagement in a virtual setting.
Assessing and Evaluating Learning, Outcomes, and Effectiveness
Course 3 (ALW200)
This course is specifically designed for professionals who will be conducting assessment and evaluation of learning, outcomes, and effectiveness of adult learning and workplace education. Starting with the overview of various tools, strategies, and evidence-based models in assessing and evaluating performance needs, you will learn how to collaboratively align learners’ needs and motivation with workplace performance expectations and business results. You will engage in peer-consultation to enhance your own project(s) using various relational and dialogic interventions: guided questionnaires, pre and post assessments for learning needs and performance gaps, and designing customized templates for your own use.
Have you ever wondered why a thoughtfully-designed learning solution may quickly turn irrelevant or redundant? Accurately assessing and aligning learners’ strengths and desires with the appropriate workplace performance expectations can quickly turn this around.
You will learn the tools to inform your project in the areas of Assessing and Evaluating Performance Needs.
How do you measure learning when diverse learner often bring their own learning expectations, life experience, diverse expertises, and varying motivations to the learning space at work?
In this module, you will learn how to use ipsative methods for gauging learning efficacy. You are encouraged to bring your own project to work on.
Communication science informs us that questions are active interventions. If so, how do we re-author popular workplace team assessment questions and methods in more useful ways?
In this module, you will learn how to use intentional language in various team assessments so that the process may lead to high performance and relational resilience.
Workplace learning is often driven by organizational needs that are anticipated or emerging.. How do we maintain the integrity of self-determined learning while also prioritizing organization learning?
In this module, you will design an organization wide learning assessment survey to drive insights on where the company should focus learning investment.
While many program evaluations emerge as an after-thought, well thought-out programs always begin with an end in mind. This module will introduce various program evaluation methods and models that are strength-based, value-driven, and learner-centred.
You will engage in highly practical and consultative exercises to construct your own evaluation framework.
Applications in Workplace Learning Designs
Course 4 (ALW300)
This course will introduce a methodology for designing performance-based curricula, the “what” that needs to be included in sound learning design. You will practice constructing learning objectives based on the identified performance expectations. Based on the learning objectives, you will design the learning map supported by appropriate methods and modalities. Designing a learner-centred curriculum to engage the learner will be a key focus of the course as you engage in a peer-consultation to prototype and experiment curriculum components that can be implemented. We also need to think about how we will engage the learner in the learning process. What channels and materials will support their learning process further? How do we create a learning environment where learners can participate fully? This course also addresses “how” we can modify instruction strategies to optimize learning experiences for the learner in the modern workplace. You will be working in small groups to consider various options for learning delivery and evaluation that will support implementation and learning integration on the job.
This module will expose you to instructional design theories from which effective learning experiences are created.
You will have the opportunity to reflect on how these theories have guided the creation of today’s learning models and principles. Using your own work during this module will be able to identify possible gaps and increase the likelihood of the program’s outcomes.
How do you decide which model might work for the learning content you are designing? What do you consider when making these decisions?
In this module, you will experiment with various models and curriculum components to design a learner-centred curriculum and prototypes. You will participate in peer-consultation and feedback exchange.
eLearning is a a rapidly developing industry. This module focuses on the considerations that go into learning design for an eLearning space.
Virtual engagement is something that most workplaces face as we transition to a world where meetings, training sessions and classroom environments are all moving into a virtual space. In this module you will learn best practices to promote maximum engagement when designing in this space.
Learning Facilitation and Teaching Methodology
Course 5 (ALW400)
As in its literal meaning, a facilitator is someone that makes learning “easier”. As a facilitator in “teaching moments”, how do you engage your learner to make the learning stick? This course will introduce useful facilitation strategies that you can use including process facilitation, storytelling, virtual techniques and asking questions effectively. You will engage in facilitating a small group activity, and the session may be recorded for your reflective analysis report at the end, and you will be provided with appreciative feedback from peers.
It all begins with the “why?” Why are we here? Why do we want to learn? As facilitators, it is our job to make that journey easier for our learners. This module is designed to teach facilitators how to discover the “why” and help their learners achieve their goals.
Workplace education in the Information Age requires educators to be content curators and learning facilitators rather than information instructors or skills trainers. The increasing needs for human interaction calls for more dialogic and relational experiences.
In this module, you will learn a foundational framework for relational learning that you can bring to work.
Building on the foundations from Learning Design I, we will focus on how to design your learning experience and facilitation to include effective questioning techniques, storytelling and lessons.
In our work environments we facilitate meetings, training sessions virtually or in a classroom. This module explores the different modes, methods and channels that help us apply effective facilitation techniques in any situation.
It’s 2021 and our world has changed to a place where virtual facilitation is the cornerstone of how most organizations operate. This module will focus on the techniques required to keep your learners engaged and encourage participation any time a virtual classroom is used.
The answer is no, you don't. You can register for one, a few, or all of the modules. We have created a modular program where you can access as much or as little as you feel is useful for you.
Be sure to contact and let us know within 48 hours if you are unable to attend a course you have registered for. We will do our best to accommodate with the next run of the particular module. If that module is full, you will be placed on a wait list until a spot becomes available.
The beauty of this program is that it is not tied to a designation. You can pick and choose what courses speak to you. Whether you have a designation or not, there will be something for you in this program!
Absolutely it will! We have designed this program to be applicable for all work environments. Have you ever onboarded someone? Then you are a learning professional. Have you ever had to teach someone how to perform tasks at work? Then you are a learning professional. This program is the right fit for anyone whether they already have skills that they want to improve or they are starting out fresh.
47 Queen’s Park Crescent East
Toronto, Ontario M5S2C3
Virtual Office Hours
Mon - Sat (8am-8pm EST)
+1 (647) 494-5800